О Линукс (Linux) по-русски

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"LINUX по-русски"

Составитель В.А.Костромин

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Linux Mandrake 7.0 RE
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4.6. Сервера с программным обеспечением для Linux:
электронный офис, СУБД, научные и финансовые приложения.
   Интегрированные офисные пакеты
   Текстовые процессоры
   Электронные таблицы
   Научные и научно-технические приложения
   Финансовые приложения и персональное ПО

A.Sun, M.Loukides, Using and Managing PPP
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Последние изменения внесены 26 апреля 2002 г.

[Top] Интегрированные офисные пакеты

  • Andrew (31.03.2000) applications suite and messaging system Сайт обновлялся последний раз году в 1996, так что, видимо, поддержки не будет (но это утверждение не проверено).

  • ApplixWare (22.03.2000) Applix word processor, spreadsheet, graphics and mail

  • Cliq (31.03.2000) многопользовательский офисный пакет, работающий в текстовом режиме. Нетребователен к ресурсам. Включает текстовый процессор, электронную таблицу (в стиле Lotus), СУБД, органайзер, почту и что-то еще. Продается за 49$, 30-дневная Trial-версия - бесплатно.

  • Goldmedal (31.03.2000) Коммерческий пакет для UNIX: Groupware, E-Mail, word processor, 3-D Spreadsheet with Business Charts, and Relational Object Database в интегрированном пакете.

  • KOffice (22.03.2000)

  • StarOffice офисный пакет, включающий текстовый процессор, программы работы с электронными таблицами, графикой, базами данных, html-документами.

  • Siag Office (22.03.2000)

  • SuSe Linux Office Suite 99 (31.03.2000) Коммерческий пакет (75$) построенный на основе ApplixWare.

  • TeamWave Workplace (4.04.2000) multi-platform whiteboards, chat, groupware tools


    [Top] Текстовые процессоры

  • Linux Word Processing (31.03.2000) - каталог текстовых процессоров для Linux.

  • AbiWord (24.03.2000) Свободно распространяемый текстовый процессор, который позволяет открывать для редактирования и просмотра файлы формата Microsoft Word (как файлы MS Word 95, так и MS Word 97). После редактирования файлы сохраняются в собственном формате AbiWord, подобном формату HTML.
    Между прочим, по адресу http://www.hippo.ru/~hvv/abiword/ (2.11.00) вроде бы можно найти русифицированную версию AbiWord.

  • Adobe Acrobat Reader программа для просмотра (не позволяющая редактировать) файлы формата pdf.

  • Andys Binary Folding Editor (4.04.2000) structured binary file browser with limited editing

  • Andys Source Code Folding Editor a language configurable folding source code editor

  • Arpus/CE feature rich full screen editor and terminal emulation package for X

  • CRiSP (4.04.2000) a very Brief-like text editor

  • Cicero (4.04.2000) WYSIWYG word processor bas/ed on Motif libraries

  • Cost general-purpose SGML post-processing tool, based on Tcl and sgmls

  • Edith Professional powerful and user-friendly desktop text editing system from ZFC

  • Elvis an enhanced clone of vi/ex, the standard Unix editor

  • fe (Folding Editor) small, light on resources outline editor

  • FTE a programmers text editor with color synatx highlighting

  • gEdit an X text editor which uses the GTK+ widget library.

  • Ghostview / Ghostscript postscript interpreter and viewer

  • GNU Enscript replacement for enscript converts ASCII files to PostScript

  • gv view and navigate through PostScript and PDF documents on an X display

  • GWP word processor with multi-format compatability using GTK+

  • Hyperbole an information and document management tool

  • ImPress WYSIWYG layout and vector graphics for presentations and Postscript docs

  • Information Retrieval and Corpus Linguistics programs and scripts for text-files

  • JED Programmer's Editor freely available text editor for Unix,

  • KEdit a simple text editor for the KDE project

  • LaTeX a portable typesetting and document preparation system

  • LiSP2TeX a utility program that inserts Lisp or Scheme code within TeX files

  • LyX a WYSIWYG word-processor front-end for LaTeX

  • LyX  Graphical interface for TeX/LaTeX. (Зеркало на http://www.linux-ink.ru/).

  • kLyX KDE version of LyX. (Зеркало на http://www.linux-ink.ru/).

  • Maxwell (31.03.2000) a Linux word processor which provides all the usual features one would expect

  • MiniHelp Help Editor integrated environment for creating hyperlinked help text

  • MEdit text editor compiled with MGUI for Linux X11.

  • NEdit a GUI style plain-text editor for X/Motif systems

  • NTeX a TeX distribution for Linux

  • PAPyRUS (4.04.2000) a word processor for X11/Motif (не скачивается)

  • Par a paragraph reformatter, vaguely similar to fmt, but better

  • Red (31.03.2000) easy to use GUI text editor

  • SEDIT a Linux port of the SEDIT editor

  • Simple editor for X (SeX) a basic X text editor

  • SlickEdit configurable programmers editor from MicroEdge

  • SciTeXt wordprocessor for UNIX using type 1 fonts and wysiwyg

  • SGML Tools text-formatting package based on SGML

  • Tclet part of a multi-function WYSIWYG layout tool

  • TCL TextEdit text editor for X, written entirely in Tk/Tcl.

  • Ted a Wordpad-like text editor running under Motif on Unix/Linux systems

  • THE a full-screen character mode text editor based on XEDIT

  • teTeX complete TeX distribution for UNIX compatibles

  • Thot structured document editor, with a WYSIWYG interface under X-Window

  • tth a Tex to HTML translator

  • UDO hypertext format conversion program

  • Virtual Paper online-document viewing system for PS and scanned "legacy" docs.

  • Vprint a text formatter similar to troff-like formatters

  • vche Virtual Console Hex editor which lets you see all 256 characters

  • VIM the vi "improved" text editor

  • Wily editor which provides much of the feel of Acme in the Unix/X environment

  • WordPerfect 8 X-based port of the word processor running on Linux , http://www.download.com/ (22.03.2000)

  • WordPerfect 7 Corel Word Perfect 7 running under X

  • Word Processor Filters get your word processor to read their files

  • Xclamation wysiwyg document publishing application

  • xdvi a previewer for TeX for the X Window System

  • Xcoral an advanced text editor for X-window

  • XEmacs Extended Emacs. It's not an editor, it's a lifestyle

  • Xenon a simple, small and fast X-based text editor

  • Xwb tool for editing source files of any programming language or text processor

  • xpdf an X viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF or Acrobat) files

  • xtem_TeXMenu graphical user interface for Tex/LaTeX

  • YODL (Yet Oneother Document Language) convert YODL docs to a variety of other formats
  • [Top] Электронные таблицы

  • Linux Spreadsheets (4.04.2000) listing of spreadsheet software that runs under Linux

  • macroCALC a Lotus 1-2-3 compatible character based spreadsheet

  • Model Master an object-oriented front-end for spreadsheets that avoids common problems

  • NExS Network Extensible Spreadsheet for UNIX and Linux

  • Scheme in a Grid (SIAG) spreadsheet based on Scheme and X

  • Teapot spreadsheet with functional addressing and 3D tables

  • Wingz Spreadsheet a Linux port of the NEXT and Mac spreadsheet

  • Xess a powerful, full-featured X based spreadsheet

  • XQuad spreadsheet with all features required for scientific and financial calcs
  • [Top] СУБД

  • Linux Databases перечень СУБД для Linux .

  • ADABAS D high-performance relational database management system

  • Beagle SQL free client server database management system for Unix

  • C/BASE 4GL application development suite and database engine

  • CodeBase 6 xbase-compatible development platform for C, C++, Java

  • CQL++ SQL Database Management System an ANSI and ODBC compliant dbms

  • D3 ProPlus database with B-trees, compiled FlashBASIC language, AQL, more

  • Empress Suite for Linux single-user Data Management software

  • Essentia Data Base Engine database server with Reduced Instruction Set Engine

  • FlagShip a superset of Clipper 5.x and Dbase III for Unix

  • GNU Sql Server a free portable multiuser relatational database system

  • Informix-SE enterprise-quality database and development tools

  • Ingres II Linux Edition advanced relational database management system (RDBMS)

  • InterBase an SQL-compliant, relational database management software product

  • jBase an application development and database independent management system

  • JustLogic/SQL Database Manager database manager with client/server

  • KE Texpress commercial high speed client/server database engine

  • Kubl RDBMS state of the art client server RDBMS for Unix

  • LEAP a relational database management system

  • Max for Linux Xbase compiler inspired by Clipper, dBASE, FoxPro
    Max Server Pages for Linux Dynamic web pages using Xbase scripting language

  • mSQL (Mini SQL) light weight database engine that supports a subset of the ANSI SQL spec

  • MySQL a very fast, multi-threaded SQL database server

  • Open Client/C a LINUX port of Sybase's Client-Library with System 10 interface

  • Oracle 8 for Linux enterprise level database system and application server

  • Polyhedra object-relational, event-driven, real-time, memory-resident, persistent DBMS

  • Postgresql  The free SQL DBMS

  • PostgreSQL object-relational next-generation database management system

  • Progress run Progress SCO-version database on Linux

  • QDDB database suite that allows you to create relations and manipulate tuples

  • Raima Database Manager++ high-performance relational high-performance database

  • /rdb a relational database toolkit for Unix and Linux from Revolutionary Software

  • Recital a multi-user database system based on the PC Xbase language

  • RISE/2 Paradox Engine for Unix with SQL support

  • SHORE Project a hybrid object-oriented database system

  • Sqsh replacement for Sybase's 'isql' program

  • Solid Server a relational client/server DBMS from Solid Tech.

  • SQLkit allows FlagShip compiler programs to communicate with a JustLogic SQL db

  • SS-File Database Manager a flat-file database manager program for Linux

  • Sybase ASE highly scalable, high-performance database engine

  • X2c portable Xbase compiler

  • xmbase-grok a simple X/Motif database manager and user interface builder

  • YARD a SQL database server implemented according to ANSI X3.135 of 1989/1992

    [Top] Научные и научно-технические приложения

  • SAL: Scientific Applications for Linux http://www.kachinatech.com/SAL/ Linux may not be just for geeks anymore, but that doesn't mean it has lost its geek appeal. For all you budding scientists, check out SAL (Scientific Applications on Linux). You'll find open source, shareware, and commercial applications for doing various scientific applications for Linux.

  • Beowulf Project at CESDIS http://beowulf.gsfc.nasa.gov/ One of the coolest projects for Linux is the Beowulf cluster, best known for helping scientists tie together a bunch of very cheap computers, which go on to outperform some of the fastest supercomputers.

  • High-Availability Linux Project http://www.henge.com/~alanr/ha/ If you are running enterprise-level applications on Linux, or just really want to be sure the Quake server never crashes, the High-Availability Linux Project site is for you. Find out all about cluster management, Linux-HA software, and a ton of links to sites about HA.

  • Free Physics Project http://freephysics.sourceforge.net/ The Free Physics Project is working to create a GPLed physics simulator for Linux. You can download the working code or get involved with the project and help with development work.

  • Linux and Chemistry http://chpc06.ch.unito.it/chem_linux.html The Linux and Chemistry site has links to commercial, shareware, and GPLed software for chemists looking to do work under Linux. Chem students and professionals alike should enjoy this site.

  • Linux4Chemistry: http://zeus.polsl.gliwice.pl/~nikodem/linux4chemistry.html The goal of this website is to provide with the most up-to-date links to the chemical software running on linux. Because the field is still under an intensive development, the website will also be continuously under construction and you may even find some not-up-to-date URLs there for this same reason. In that case contact me, please. I hope it will be helpful to you. You are very welcome to send me your commends, new URLs and so on.
    You are very welcome to visit my Linux4Chemistry website!
    Nikodem Kuznik

  • AERO-Animation Editor for Realistic Object movements sim based on rigid body systems

  • angela! a mouse-driven graph editor for X11

  • Astronomical Software on Linux applications for astronomers

  • Astronomy (Linux for Astronomy) CD-ROM full of astronomical applications

  • Backprop Backpropagation and Related Algorithms, requires Tcl/Tk

  • blif2vhdl a graphical entry FSM to VHDL converter distributed under GNU

  • ChemApp a programmable thermodynamic calculation interface

  • chemtool menu-driven program for drawing organic molecules as X-Bitmaps

  • daVinci a user interface for high-quality visualizations of directed graphs

  • diag convert numeric data in an ASCII file into a file in EPS-format

  • E Factorycontrol software related to testing of both active and passive RF components

  • Emacs Calc advanced desk calculator for Emacs

  • EPICS Experimental Physics Industrial Control System

  • ESO-MIDAS program for analysing and manipulating astronomical images/data

  • foam a computer algebra program for high energy physics

  • GAMESS General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System quantum chemistry program

  • GAP algebra system features discrete mathematics, especially group theory

  • GAUSS interpreted matrix programming language used by econometricians

  • Graphlet toolkit for implementing graph editors and drawing algorithms

  • GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System

  • Gnuplot scientific plotting utility

  • IDL 4GL application development package for data analysis and visualization

  • IRIS/6 Picture Archive and Comm System handles objects like images, document, voice

  • KCalc a scientific calculator for the KDE project

  • Khoros system for image and signal processing and data exploration

  • ksciplot a function plotter for the KDE project

  • LinkWinds a visual data exploration system for large multivariate data sets

  • LinuxCAD AutoCAD like computer aided design tool for UNIX and Linux

  • Maple V interactive software for doing symbolic and numeric calculations

  • MARC Designer a linear finite element analysis program

  • Mathematica for LINUX mathematical analysis and equation solver

  • MathSpad editing tool for writing mathematically oriented documents

  • MATCOM Matlab to C++ translator and a matrix class library

  • MATLAB technical environment for numeric computation and visualization

  • MicroStation powerful CAD program from Bentley Systems

  • MOLDEN a pre- and post processing program of molecular and electronic structure

  • MOPAC7 molecular orbital package for the study of chemical structures and reactions

  • MuPAD system for symbolic and numeric computing, parallel programming and visualization

  • mXmap Linux based mapping application

  • nanotimer a 64 bit time-keeping module for timestamping high-speed DAQ

  • NCAR Graphics FORTRAN utils for scientific graphics with extensive mapping capabilities

  • nn/xnn neural network development/simulation tool

  • Octave a high-level language for numerical computations

  • PICPRG downloader software for Microchip PIC16C84 processor programmers

  • pipewave signal processing software package also does auditory modelling

  • plotmtv easy program to plot data set, contour plots, 3D curves, etc.,

  • plotutils programs for plotting scientific data, and a vector function library

  • P+owerGraph Scientific Data Visualization and Graphical Editing

  • Projector accepts list of project sub-tasks and generates scheduling reports

  • ProPHLEX a finite element based toolkit for engineering simulation

  • Ptolemy signal processing, communications, and controls systems

  • quickplot interactive 2D plotter with infinite zooming, and unlimited plots

  • R an S-like high-end statistical language

  • RLab high level matrix math language similar to matlab

  • Robot free scientific graph plotting and data analysis program

  • ROOT Object Oriented Framework for Large Scale Data Analysis

  • SART a guile library for raytracing and high-complexity 3d modelling

  • SatTrack real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction software

  • Scientific Linux Apps list of scientific software with much chemistry-related software

  • Scientific Software Under Linux software for scientists and engineers

  • Scilab high level science and math computation tool

  • Shazam a comprehensive program for users of statistical techniques

  • SIMATH computer algebra system designed for computations in number theory

  • Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator a software simulator for neural networks

  • svLis geometric modeller and ray-tracer

  • Swarm tool for modeling complex systems and doing agent based simulation

  • tacg/WWWtacg Restriction Enzyme and Transcription Factor analysis and mapping

  • Tecplot powerful GUI-based data visualization program

  • ThoughtTreasure natural language processing and commonsense reasoning platform

  • UPTOOLS3 software intended for researchers in on-line handwriting recognition

  • VariCAD professional CAD system for mechanical engineering

  • VARKON-3D a high level development tool for Engineering and CAD apps

  • Vis5D system for interactive visualization of large 5-D gridded data sets

  • VMD a package for the vizualization and analysis of biomolecular systems

  • XelCAD a X-based application, designed to create electrical circuit layouts

  • XEphem free interactive astronomy program

  • Xforms Calculator programmable scientific calculator based upon the Xforms GUI library

  • xldlas statistical package based on Xforms lib

  • XMove engineering tool for visualization tasks in fields like process automation

  • XploRe an interactive statistical computing environment

  • Xtoys a set of cellular automata simulators written for Xwindows

  • xyz2rgb makes pictures and movies of moleculer models
  • [Top] Финансовые приложения и персональное ПО

  • iceB Комплекс программ бухучета и торговли под Linux на русском языке

  • CCVS Credit Card Verification System from HKS

  • Independent Insurance Agency software Compuwork vertical market software

  • Addressbook manage your addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses

  • American Heritage Dictionary and Roget's Thesaurus (4.04.2000) Словарь английского (американского) языка (2 млн сло) с full definitions, parts of speech, pronunciation, proper usage, hyphenation, word origins (etymologies), idioms, inflections, abbreviations, and sample sentences. произношением для Linux 50$

  • CyberScheduler for Linux web based calendaring and scheduling program

  • BB Stock Pro stock charting, technical analysis, portfolio management

  • Check Book Balancer (CBB) a checkbook balancing program written in Perl/TclX/Tk

  • CM11 hardware interface to X10 home automation devices

  • Ical an X based calendar and appointment book

  • LifeLines genealogical software system for UNIX and related systems

  • Linux Accounting and Finance Software listing of financial software for Linux

  • LoanPackager 2000 automate loan application process; includes MortgageAdvisor knowledgebase

  • Moneydance a quicken-like personal finance manager written completely in Java

  • PinfoMan Personal Information manager that will work under the console and X

  • Plan a calendar and schedule planner based on X/Motif

  • qtremind a reminder program using the Qt toolkit and the gdbm library

  • RAPID graphing software for technical analysis of stocks and commodities

  • Synchronize a real-time calendaring and scheduling application

  • TimeClock time and attendance software from Quality Software Solutions, Inc.

  • X-Accountant personal finance manager for X Window system

  • Xfinans a financial management program

  • Xinvest a personal finance tracking and performance tool for X

  • Xquote quote retrieval tool for the X Window System
    Предыдущий раздел. Вернуться к оглавлению. Следующий раздел.

    В.А.Костромин TopList